The entire NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response can be seen as a complex web consisting of systems and organs linked to each other forming a functional network. Its job is to act as a safety net when stress threaten our survival. It can be graphically described to be like an electrical circuit panel, with multiple components. The master circuit panel is analogous to the main electrical circuit panel of our house, which contains various groups of circuit breakers, each controlling an area of the house, but collectively they are tied to one another as well.
Functional and Integrative medicine looks at the body as a whole and uses a systems-oriented medical approach to find the root cause of disease. Each patient’s history is detailed and unique and the patient’s care plan is personalized and individualized. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social health are important, but in addition genetic and environmental health are investigated further through research and testing. This the future of medicine. This is NEM Therapy™.
Supplements and Medications are titrated according to each individual’s sensitivity. No two people are the same. The most important thing is to get to the root cause of the symptoms and treat that.
The bioenergetics circuit is a major part of the NEM Stress Response™. It consists of the pancreas, thyroid, and liver. It’s important to review this area thoroughly. Cortisol, insulin, and thyroid are all vital hormones in the body, and the levels of each one have a major impact on levels of the others.
They are essential to the operation of the bioenergetic circuit and understanding how to maintain it in good health. Bioenergetics dysfunction can lead to metabolic derangement, AFS, and a multitude of conditions including hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, catabolism, leaky gut, weight gain, diabetes, dizziness, and sleep problems, among others.
Common Symptoms Of Bioenergetics Imbalance
Low blood sugar
Sugar cravings
Weight gain or loss
Conditions Related To Bioenergetics Imbalance
Weight Management Problems
Reactive Hypoglycemia
Insulin resistance
Mitochondrial Disorders
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
High Cholesterol
Metabolic Syndrome
Diabetes Mellitus
Electrolyte Imbalance
Low Blood Pressure
The detoxification circuit consists of the immune system, interstitium, and the liver. Together, they get rid of excessive, unwanted, reactive metabolites that come from stress. Remember that stress can be physical or emotional. It represents an exertion on the body that requires energy expenditure to normalize. When this circuit is working well along with other circuits, stress is automatically resolved in the background without you knowing it.
However, if there is detoxification circuit dysfunction (and it is not functioning as it is supposed to be), clinical symptoms can be devastating.
Common Symptons Of Detoxification Circuit
Brain Fog
Aching Joints and Muscles
Sensitivity to scents
Sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and electronics
Sensitivity to Supplements and Medications
Paradoxical Reactions to Supplements
Conditions Related To Detoxification Circuit
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Environmental Toxicity
Electromagnetic Field Intolerance
Liver Congestion
Genetic Mutations – MTHFR
Reactive Metabolite Response
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Extracellular Matrix/Interstitium Congestion
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Pain of Unknown Origin
Migrating Discomfort
The inflammation circuit consists of the immune system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the microbiome. The inflammation circuit, part of the NEM Stress Response™, responds to any situation in your body to keep itself healthy and working optimally. It is a natural, biological response. Problems arise, however, when inflammation is unchecked. Where your body’s natural inflammatory response is not curbed and controlled, the result may be chronic inflammation.
Most of the different inflammatory diseases start in your body’s gut (gastrointestinal or GI tract). From there, they spread to different parts of your body. The gut’s lining is permeable, meaning it allows certain substances to pass through and enter the bloodstream.
When this permeability increases, however, unwanted substances also pass through, thereby triggering the body’s immune system in order to fight it. This may result in not only inflammation but also allergies and diseases consequently. In certain instances these toxins make their way to your brain, resulting in not only depression but certain neurological problems as well.
Inflammatory Bowel DIsease – Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s
Celiac’s Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Leaky Gut
Candida Overgrowth
Small intestine Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO)
Stealth Infections
Chronic Lyme Disease
Food Sensitivities
Chronic Pain
Mold Told Toxicity
Stealth infection – Viral, Fungal, Bacterial
Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)
The neuroaffect circuit is composed of the brain, microbiome, and the autonomic nervous system, and each of these three work together and can be seriously affected by stress. Imbalances in one of these systems can create imbalances in essential hormones and neurotransmitters that seriously affect the others, as well as the rest of your body.Stress, either acute or especially chronic, affects brain functioning. Some of these effects are a result of long-term exposure to stress hormones. Higher than normal levels of stress hormones affect the brain centers responsible for regulating emotional response and cognitive abilities. This can lead to inaccurate and distorted perceptions of the world that can lead to inappropriate emotional responses.
Common Symptoms Of Neuroaffect Imbalance
Feelings of impending doom
Lowered stress tolerance
Mood Disturbances
Conditions Related To Neuroaffect Imbalance
Mood Disorders
Sleep Maintenance Insomnia
Sleep Onset Insomnia
Neurotransmitter Imbalance
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Parkinson’s Disease
Intractable Eye Twitching
Multiple Sclerosis
Panic Disorder
The cardionomic circuit consists of the adrenal glands, cardiovascular system (CVS), and the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Activation of the cardionomic circuit starts when stress arrives on our doorstep. Starting at the brain and ending at the adrenal glands, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) hormonal axis is the first responder and main conduit that regulates our body’s everyday stress response. At the adrenal glands, cortisol output rises and acts as the body’s primary de-stressing hormone.
Common Symptoms of Cardionomic Imbalance
Irregular Heart beating
Heart throbbing
Salt Cravings
Adrenaline Rush
High or Low Blood pressure
Conditions Related To Cardionomic Imbalance
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome ( POTS)
Orthostatic Hypotension
Heart Palpitations and Pounding
Reactive Sympathetic Response
Heart Rate Variability
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Elevated LP(a)
The hormone circuit is the first of the circuits to be stimulated when stress hits the body. It is made up of the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland, and the reproductive glands. These three organ systems are interrelated such that what affects one affects all. These effects can be physiological, sub-clinical, or clinical in nature.
The Ovarian-Adrenal-Thyroid (OAT) axis is the major pathway for the hormones of this circuit to work. If the OAT axis becomes imbalanced, one of the systems involved becomes clinically dominant. These imbalances, when they occur, are not typically equal across the three systems. Most of the time, the system that is damaged the most and is constitutionally weakest becomes the clinically dominant system.